
Wire cutting guidelines.

01 March 2010 All,

I am looking for advice on what other people adopt for their barrier philosophy when running open hole logs, cased hole logs and running correlation e-line runs through tubing etc assuming the one barrier is in place (kill weight fluid or tested casing with an underbalance fluid).

With open hole logging there is the drilling mud as one barrier and the rig BOP´s in the event of an emergency. The potential issue is there's no guarantee they will cut/seal the wire completely. There is also the option of wire cutters (hydraulic) on surface but this in itself presents its own risks (cable under tension so need to tie off etc).

The same scenario would apply in cased hole (pressure and inflow tested) logging with an underbalance fluid in the well i.e. the casing is the first barrier and you are still relying on the shear BOP´s to cut the electric line. Also throught tubing e-line correlation runs for space out of TCP guns with tested casing and an underbalance fluid etc.

Does anyone have a procedure or company guidelines they would follow for cutting e-line (7-46, 2-32 etc) on surface in the event of an emergency?

Centrica Completion Engineer
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