
7" liner cementing with very narrow pressure margin

20 May 2010 ** Updated this discussion with a supplementary question, to cover an actual situation that developed recently with one of our clients **  (Dave Taylor 6-Jun-2015) .. see Response Number 4

I have only 1.2ppg drilling margin in my 8-1/2" hole section and will set the 7" liner across the section for DST.

My final MW will probably be 18ppg and the cementer has provided a design of minimum 18.5 ppg slurry. The problem is my offset frac gradient is at 18.6-18.7ppg!

Anyone has encountered such problem? .. what did you do about it, and what was the final outcome ?

Noor Nordin
Drilling Engineer
Petronas, Malaysia
8 Answer(s)

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