Hard dipping, formation spud?

Future Scenarios and campaigns in regards to a Subsea offshore environment to be drilled by Mobile DP Vessels.

Where 1m below the silted mud line, a very hard, highly dipping formations (up to 20degrees)is tagged. The sequence characterised by higly inter-bedded debris, tills, glacial plates, basalts i.e. a mix, ranging from pebbles, cobbles, boulders deposits, up to 50m in thickness before breaking through into more drillable quatenary sequence. Additionally this formation sequence will not wash out nor enlarge too greatly.

The drilling objective is to deliver a 36" wellbore, < than 1degree, efficiently, to accomodate a run and cemented 30" conductor.

Forums knowledge, experiences, best practices worldwide in similar formations, well design strategys is what we are seeking to tap into. Note: Lessons learned from hard rock spudding on land may also be applicable.

All comments welcomed.

Peter Aird.
Senior Company Drilling Representative.
3 Answer(s)

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Peter Aird

Peter Aird

Drilling Specialist/Well Engineer/Training Consultant

Kingdom Drilling

Discussions: 113

Replies: 444

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