
Changes to Well Control Equipt, Practices, post Macondo

08 October 2010 We are planning a review at the end of the month and I would be interested to know what your respective companies are doing on the following issues, plus any others you might care to mention. I´ll feed back what we come up with as changes for ourselves.

1. BOP Configuration for Deepwater:

a. Testing of dead-man
b. Acoustic controls
c. Shear ram capability
d. BOP Control operating pressures [increased ?]
e. BOP Ram configurations, deepwater on a five ram stack [two sets of shears ?]
f. ROV controls [lines increased in size ?, accumulator on ROV]
g. Accumulator capacity on the BOP

2. BOP Procedures:
a. Testing on sea-bed [deadman ? shear rams ? ROV intervention ?]

3. Well Design and Execution:
a. Shoe-track length
b. Barriers and plugs changes ? inflow testing ?
a. Testing of shoe tracks
b. Abandonment plugs
c. Permanent barriers
d. Temporary barriers
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