
Shearability of pipe : regulatory requirements ..

21 October 2010 Folks,

BOEMRE (formerly MMS; in the US) has a requirement which mandates all blind shear rams must be able to shear pipe under MASP conditions. (Maximum Allowable Surface Pressure)

Typically, rig contractors and operators have surface pressure limits set in established procedures that ensure the pipe rams are utilized once the threshold pressure is met. Thus, it is highly unlikely that pipe would have to be sheared with MASP.

Additionally, for Subsea operations, hangoff is a standard procedure and in order to do this one must strip thru the annular.

Thus, my questions are;

1) Does any other regulatory regime require the ability to shear pipe with MASP?

2) Do any Drilling Contractors or Operators have this requirement in their SOP's and

3) What should be recommended to regulators; a) Maximum Hydrostatic Pressure + Maximum allowed annular shut in pressure? b) Hydrostatic Pressure + a limited annular SIP? c) Something else or d) MASP + Hydrostatic Pressure?

Sinteff reported that GOM kicks in subsea had a miximum SIP of 2,500-psi. Many were much lower, thus the requirement to shear with MASP seems very onerous and will require contractors to upgrade shear bonnets and could still limit shearability for very deep wells.


Craig Castille
2 Answer(s)

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