
Optimal: hole enlargement and/or non standard drilling designs?

01 December 2010 I am seeing some guidance for supporting data to what/where regions, areas, or specific well types, have stepped to stand out from conventional standard well design i.e. 30" x 20" x 13-3/8" x 9-5/8".

e.g. Opting to hole-enlarge wells, or drill with more optimal non standard bits/casing sizes, in order to deliver a more cost effective, efficient and >loss free, well delivery.

What was the driver, for change? What key hazards and risk did you believe would be better addressed? What were the results?

Any guidance to a before and after case example that can be referenced, also appreciated.

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Posted by

Peter Aird

Peter Aird

Drilling Specialist/Well Engineer/Training Consultant

Kingdom Drilling

Discussions: 114

Replies: 449

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