
Shallow testing MWD/FEWD strings

08 April 2011 Hi folks

At this week's DWOP, the subject of shallow testing MWD tools came up. In the shallower hole sections the tools will be D&I and GR-Res. Deeper sections will have the whole FEWD catalogue in them.

It is planned to shallow-test the tools at seabed (ca. 300m).

In the past there has been intense debate about the merits of this.

Please might members share their experiences (rather than just opinions) with this :
1. Do u shallow test MWD tools ?
2. Do u differentiate between the "simpler" suites and the "full catalogue of tools" ?
3. If you don't shallow test, then how do u reassure yourselves that the tools will work on bottom ?
4. If you do shallow test, how many failures have you seen ? (and, if possible as a %-age of ALL the test you have done)
5. What other options have you used ?

It would be great to hear from you all.

Kind regards

Dave Taylor
13 Answer(s)

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