
Cementing 5" liner in 6" hole

03 February 2012 Hi everyone,
I would be interested to find our any global experience of cementing 5" liners, especially inside of 6" holes.

On the number of recent wells, we had to run 5" (contingency) liner and cement them inside 6" hole.

Cement bond logs on all that wells indicated pore cement quality (channelling, mud pockets). From cement job designing we don´t see any obvious problems (plenty of centralisation; adequate amount of spacer; on one job we used sacrificial lead slurry).
The cement job execution didn´t go as text book but were not that wrong to suggest that entire cement job would be bad.

We are wondering if 5” liner by 6” hole is a bad combination. May be we should run smaller liner or drill (underream) bigger hole.

Really appreciate if anyone can share the thoughts or real experience with cementing small size liners in small hole sizes (5” liners inside of 6”hole, or other combination).
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