
Drilling w/ Landing String

18 February 2012 We are considering whether to use the Landing String as part of the drilling string. Is this a common practice? A full string of 6-5/8" DP should mitigate some downhole vibrations that operators have/are experienced in the area (this is a separate discussion). Would prefer to have dedicated 6-5/8" LS, but finger board can't rack a dedicated LS and a separate drillstring of 6-5/8" DP.

Plan would be to run 0.522" WT DP below 0.625" WT LS. Some of my questions include the following:
- Do you "de-rate" the LS? How much? It's inspected to 95% RBW
- Recommended inspection frequency of the LS if used for drilling?
- Key Risks to consider? BOP's will shear 0.522" WT DP.
- Key Risk Mitigations to be successful drilling w/ the LS.
- Do you adjust anything in the slip crush calculation?
4 Answer(s)

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