
Liner Buckling/Distortion in an Open Hole Multi-Stage Horizontal Well Completion

26 June 2012 We have recently drilled, completed and fracture stimulated a horizontal open hole 8 stage swell packer completion in a tight shale gas reservoir. Drilling, completion and stimulation operations were successful - however, during the frac ball and seat milling phase an obstruction was encountered (between the 7th and 8th frac stages) in the open hole swell packer completion. From operations analysis this obstruction is believed to be casing distortion/buckling, resulting in a reduced internal diameter of the 5-1/2" liner casing.

I understand from colleagues in North America that this type of occurrence is not unusual in wells of this nature. However, I have been unsuccessful in securing documented case studies to aid in concluding how this may have occurred in this particular well. I am seeking advice from anyone that may have had a similar experience with wells of this type.
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