
Stemming losses using synthetic muds.

22 October 2012 What mud or 3rd party products are working to stem medium (>20bbls/hr)  to high (20-100bbls/hr) to severe losses (>100bbls/hr) in deepwater when specifically using synthetic based muds in deep and ultra deepwater narrow margin wells. Notably when drilling smaller than 17 1/2" wellbores.

What has been tried and failed?
What has been a consistent method allowing greater, safer more manageable control to be obtained.
Who has or is currently using 'LCP 2000' or a similar type of product to stem high loss rates effectively and efficiently?
(Note: As this I know from a old colleague of mine, this was the main product used exclusively for more severe losses in multiple deepwater wells, when using SOBM etc in the 90's.) Normal scenario being taking severe losses on bottom and then a resulting gas influx above. Where losses had to be stemmed 'right first time', gas circulated out and normall operaiotns resuemd wiht no mud weight increased often required.

All comments experiences, lessons learned, key areas to note all welcomed to better address this critical hazard and risk area in deepwater wells. 

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