Drilling out 20″ casing shoe with 12¼″ bit


some feedback needed on the below.

The situation is the following: after casing off the well with 20" casing, we need to drill a pilot hole for FE purposes and then open up the hole to 17" with a separate run. The well is vertical at this point.

We are looking at 2 options to avoid a dedicated run:

  1. single run in 12¼" to drill out the shoe track and then drill the pilot hole - POOH - run and drill with 17" UR
  2. drill 12¼" hole with a non-activated UR in the BHA, POOH to the shoe, activate the UR, clean out the shoe track

I personally dont like much the first scenario, as cement would be falling down on the BHA- which should be ok for drilling, considering the clearances, but could cause issues for the wireline run thereafter.

The second option could be achievable, but we are still confirming availability of the tools in country.

Thoughts? Ideas?



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