
Kill a gas well after testing

04 March 2013 Hi All,
We are testing a cased well with complete Schlumberger DST Assy and dealing with the following situation:
  • Casing 7” @ 4130m
  • Liner 5” @5000m
  • Liner hanger inside 7” casing @4000
  • Perforations 4945 - 4890m
The testing string (from the bottom):
  • 2â…œ” tubing as tail below packer @4800m
  • Packer inside 7” csg @ 4000m (just above 5” hanger)
  • 2⅞” tubing from DST Assy to surface.
Fluids during testing:
  • Formation fluid = gas + condensate
  • Formation pressure = 600 bar.
I´m asking to help me for killing procedure since even with ”œbull heading procedure”, below the packer, there is a volume of 5m3 of gas in the annulus between 2â…œ” tbg and 5” liner pressurized at 600 bars.
Any help, recommendations or comments will be much appreciated.
Cristian M
10 Answer(s)

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