
Stinging Upper Completion Seals into Lower Completion Packer Bore

22 June 2013

In our current completion design for single zone horizontal wells, the end of tubing is placed ~ 60ft above the lower completion packer (see attached schematic for details).

With this design, in order to prevent breaking the flapper valve in the lower completion, we are limited to testing the Production packer to a lower pressure of 2,500psi as opposed to 4,000psi (which is the casing test pressure).

In other to mitigate this risk, we are considering changing the design to have a set of seals stabbed into the lower completion packer. This will allow testing of the "A" annulus above the production packer to higher pressure without breaking the flapper valve which is rated for 3,000psi.

Can anyone comment on the pros and cons of doing this and send some case histories on where this type of completion have been done.

Below are some additional information about the well.

Well Location: Deep Water

Water Depth = 500ft

Rig Type: Semi-sub

RT - MSL: 105ft

Horizontal Xmas Tree Installed before running upper completion

BHP = 3,120psi

BHT = 208DegF

No CO2 or H2S

Completion Type: Single Horizontal Open Hole (as per attached schematic)

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4 Answer(s)

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