
Effect of oil base mud on PDC bits wear and Dull compared to water base mud

03 September 2014 Hello Every Body,
we have just changed the drilling fluid system from WBM to OBM in order to drill a problematic shale interval, OBM did very well. the only problem we are facing now is that we have drilled  about 200m formation (silty sandstone) using 5 PDC bits different types from 616,618,718, different companies, bits comes out 5-8-WT,A. the same formation was drilled with WBM using one PDC bit 618 only and come out in good condition.
My Question :
  1. Does OBM has an adverse effect on cutters cooling that causes  high temperature and accelerate the bit wears.
  2. has any body faced this problem before and if so, what was the recommendations.
  3. currently, we are planning impregnated bit on high speed motor which later can be turbine.
attached two bits photos
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