
Drilling dolerite

06 November 2014 Hi folks

We're looking for experience with drilling dolerite.  It's like basalt and extrudes into dykes (now now !)so that it can have quite high dip angles.

It is characterised by slow drilling, high impact of wellbore inclination (deflecting the BHA) and localised instability.

We are planning to use a Verticality-tool (e.g. Vetritrak, V-pilot or equivalent) to drill this with either inert bits or hybrid PDC. At the DWOP, the option of a Fluid Hammer also came up.

What experience do you have with dolerites, use of verticality-tools and Fluid Hammers to drill them. Or any other bright ideas/experiences.

The more detailed your answer, the more useful it would be (no sales pitches please without extensive supporting text).


7 Answer(s)

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