
Only a few to go ** then there will be 1500 of us ** PLEASE HELP RECRUIT PEOPLE LIKE YOU

26 November 2014 There are now over 1475 of us in SPREAD, in over 430 organisations.

You may wonder why it's taken so long to get this many members.

  1. We constantly trim the membership when the alert emails bounce back; that means that people have moved on and not passed us their updated details. In the past, having large numbers of "bounced" emails means that we attract the attention of the internet spam-police and then our emails get blocked at many portals.
  2. From time-to-time, members leave, asking us not to send them alert emails.
  3. From time-to-time, we check with members who are not active and, by mutual consent, they leave the forum.
However, the single biggest reason is that we are not getting enough new members joining.  I promote SPREAD at every DWOP that I facilitate, but take up is slow.  We do not register members against their will, since this forum is  a place for like-minded, knowledge-sharing individuals to share experience and ideas.

We'd like you to help us recruit people like you!! 

So, please can each of you approach a minimum of one colleague who you think will be a worthy member and invite them to join.

Let's see if we can break through the magical 1500-members milestone.

We continue to develop SPREAD, a lot of it behind-the-scenes, and have some exciting plans for the future.

Thanks for your continued support

1 Answer(s)

Support Spread

We need the support of our members to keep our forum online. If you find the information on spread useful please consider a donation
