
Green cement pressure test with stinger cementation

28 July 2015 Dear colleagues

We're planning a 13â…œ" stinger cement job, with shoe at ca. 800m. Cement to surface is a requirement therefore a stinger cement job is preferred to avoid excessive cement returns to be dumped.

For the pressure testing we are looking into possibilities either to pressure test before cementing(?) or on green cement(preferred). Last resort would be grey cement pressure test.
BOP will only be installed once cement is hard.

Our options, so far, are:
  • run RTTS packer at top of stinger string, pump and land a dart plug on the stabbing collar displacing the cement, sting-out, set the RTTS packer in the landing casing joint, pressure test against dart and RTTS packer
  • pressure test on grey cement, setting the packer ~100m above casing shoe to avoid cracking the cement at shoe.
  • Low pressure test on grey cement, once BOP is installed (not preferred)
What is your experience pressure testing prior / after stinger cement job and what methods you reckon are best suited?
9 Answer(s)

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