
Rig substructure loads

13 October 2015 Hi All,
  • Load on substructure due to bumping the plug.
At the moment we bump the top plug we have a sudden increase of  axial load which to be transmitted to the rig substructure. I believe it is only a sharp increase of load which drops immediately as displacement fluid comes to static. 
Are there any formula to calculate this load? Do you take this factor into consideration while preparation to cementing job?
  • Load on substructure due to green cement test
we should perform the green cement test, this test should increase the load to due to compressing fluid inside the casing, apparently increasing the density and the weight of the casing.
Do you take this factor into consideration?

Please correct me if i am wrong and share your opinion on this subject. 


Askhat B.
9 Answer(s)

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