
Appraisal Well Reuse

14 December 2015

On a current project the drilling team is being urged to reduce CAPEX and deliver an appraisal well which will later be converted to a production well, via a 6" sidetrack in the reservoir. There are two wells in the field which had similar intentions and are likely never to be re-entered. I was wondering what the wider groups experience of this is? How many wells are actually reused? any important risks? (clearly we've done a risk assessment but experience from engineers which have done the operations will likely bring more).

If there is experience of this in the group it would be interesting to hear how you managed the risks involved, such as casing wear from milling plugs within the production strings etc.

To set the scene:

UK North Sea, Gas reservoir, NPNT, Jack-Up drilled, subsea wellhead

3 Answer(s)

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