
MWD Non Magnetic Interference from external disruptions

25 February 2016

Dear members of the community,

I have used several programs in the past to estimate MWD survey error from drill-string components (ie Magax Pro and Shell's Sucop).

However, the effect of external interference from casing strings and drilling past fish is a scenario that is still very much left to chance.

I can understand the fact that drillstring components are a constant, whereas external influences will vary with hole position.

But - my question is (a) what work is being done into evaluating effects of external objects, and (b) Why can't the calculation that is applied to the drill-string (ie MWD Z axis) be applied to the X and Y axis accelerometers..??

I can see that to give a definite value would be impossible, but at least some sort of calculation that can gives trends etc..........

8 Answer(s)

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Chris Henderson

Chris Henderson

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