Jetting to Nudge 16" Hole
09 December 2008 We are drilling platform development wells offhsore Brazil andsurface anti-collision is critical in some wells. There is a
proposal to jet/nudge the top hole on the next slot where the well
path passes a exisitng producer at ~315m. The plan is to run one
large and three smaller nozzles in a 16" bit and pump at high rate
whilst sliding after orienting the nozzle. Has anyone had
experience of this and what are the learning's/pit-falls? Obviously
we are concerned with generating very high dogleg and/or failing to
nudge the well away from the existing producer and ultimately losing
the slot.
Thnaks for the input.
13 Answer(s)
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David Brecknock
Gas Projects & Drilling Manager
Discussions: 8
Replies: 4
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