

26 September 2016 What would you like your new jackups and semisubmersibles, exploration rigs, to be able to do that they dont do now: Looking to make a list with reasons. i.e. spud cans instrumented to know what motion is when going on location so as not to damage the cans; 2 -some way of determining when you are intersecting a denser zone to prevent punch-thru; diagram showing flow in pipework to and from mudpits, through choke & kill not only to confirm you gave the signal to open or close but to show it in a simple diagram and a sensor to tell you that the valve actually did open or close - flow sensors to confirm fluid is moving.  What would make your life easier on the rig...some software to put in symptoms of well issues and diagnose a downhole issue. - What about better intergration of the software that is out there now.  Question relates to both marine and drilling. - where could the designers improve your life.

What specific extra things or automation would be necessary for Managed pressure drilling or for HPHT.
4 Answer(s)

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