
Pressure Testing a Corroded Pipe/Casing

12 June 2018

The company is planning to pressure test the A annulus. In 2017, Multi-barrier imaging (Empulse) was deployed to detect metal loss due to corrosion and metal wear. The maximum metal loss in specific intervals ranged between 13% and 18%.  One of the wells was found to have intensive and significant corrosions in 7” Production Tubing of 34% below casing tie back shoe.  The API SPEC 5CT (Specification for Casing and Tubing) specifies that the minimal permissible pipe wall thickness is 87.5 % of the nominal wall thickness, which in turn has a tolerance of-12.5 %. The metal loss higher than 12.5% requires that the casing is downgraded or corroded pipe replaced. How is the remaining strength of corroded pipe determined? I.e. to what proportion does the loss of metal reduce the strength of the casing when the metal loss is above the specified 12.5%?

Documents uploaded by user:

Fundamental Aspects of Casing Design.pdf

6 Answer(s)

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