
Stanford University Online Geomechanics Class Starts March 31

30 March 2019 Stanford University is offering a free MOOC (Massive Open Online Class) in Reservoir Geomechanics (ResGeo202).  The class is starting on March 31, continuing until June 12.  It is self paced, with the online video lectures released at the beginning of each week.

I took this online class in 2015 with a group of colleagues from Devon Energy - and about 8,000 others.   I thought it was very well done and easy to follow.  The video lectures by Dr. Mark Zoback were engaging and interesting.  I recommend this class to anyone who is interested in learning more about drilling mechanics, wellbore stability, fracture propagation,  interaction of salt water injection with earthquakes, and other topics.

Stanford has a companion course Unconventional Reservoir Geomechanics (UnconvResGeo208) which runs simultaneously.  That appears to be a more advanced course; I'm going to sign up (it's free!) and at least start watching the lectures.

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