
Hydraulic Control Panels

29 June 2019 Lack of an adequate supply line is making us consider performing slick line ops over the top of a Tree for a gas well, without a 3-function "Elmar" Hydraulic Control Panel.

So we could open the TRSCSSSV with a hand-pump........lock-open the Actuator of the UMV with a Cap after pressuring with a single Haskel Pump. Leave the Haskel on the PWV to open to bleed-off as required.

Compared to an industry standard Hydraulic Control Panel this is sub-standard practice.

Undoubtedly it increases risk it completely against any set of rules/ regulations?

NORSOK does not appear to stipulate for Control Panels and therefore there does not appear to be any legal impediment to "carry-on regardless"?

Any thoughts??

Thanks. Ian.

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