
Large bore production casing

26 July 2019

Hi to All.

I would like to share with you a possible casing design for a  Deep-water Development well for a shallow gas reservoir.

Usually the standard casing design are the following:

36” jetting

20”-Swedge-13 5/8”

9 5/8” – 10 ¾”

open hole /GP

Upper Completion (UC)

Looking to the new gas tight 20” connectors, it might possible to remove  a string from the well architecture, by incorporating a casing design MTM (Metal-to-Metal)  as following:

36” jetting

20” MTM  ( gas tight 6500 psi burst) -Swedge-13 5/8” MTS ( gas tight )

Liner 9 5/8”

open hole /GP


I would like to ask you if any team in the world  has implemented (or is close to implementing) a design like this:   production tubing run inside the 20” gas tight casing.

Things like wellhead and tree design also spring to mind.

If anyone has some feedback, it would be greatly appreciated.


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