
CLIP Incident due to low ID Stinger

08 January 2020 Dear All,

We wanted to place a cement plug in a 7" liner (5.92 ID) , with a cement string.

  • 3-1/2" Stinger would result in a higher length of plug (<200 m) due to low annular clearance
  • 2-3/8" would result in a lesser plug length but has lower ID (~1.5 in)
One of my colleagues said that 2-3/8" pipes could result in a CLIP (Cement Left in Pipe) Incident, but since we don't have any mechanical barrier or obstruction through which there can be a possibility of fluid bypassing and the solids forming a plug, there seems very low possibility of such incident.

Has anyone of you experienced any CLIP Incident where the pipes were cemented due to lower ID of stinger and had no mechanical barriers separating the different fluids i.e. mud, cement and spacer.

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