
Uninterupted 'safe effective efficient' tripping in/out, Some Physical tripping evidence? Please.

03 March 2020 All members.

Can you afford us Physical snippets facts and figures from todays trip sheets or drilling logs for rig types, pipe being tripped and physical mechanical systems being used/applied.

Notably during an uninterrupted tripping sequence in and/or out when no constraints are imposed or presented 
- e.g. generally within the marine riser, and/or in bigger cased holes for onshore and/or offshore MODU wells.

Please also state for dat provided if this is a 
- Land rig. (super single, double, triple stand) Kelly/Top drive
- Fixed installation  (platform, jack up) (double triple, quad) Kelly / Top drive
- Offshore MODU (Semi-drillship), (triples, quads) Conventional, Ram/Hydraulic rig.

Benchmark example that I always measure (loss against) from my work experience in well situations where we had no constraint w.r.t to delivering  safe effective, efficient tripping as follows.
- Offshore platform derrick set - tender barge.
- 3000HP draworks
- Uninterrupted tripping in of 5in pipe, 60stand per hr. (Crew using semi automatic (weight set manual slips) a make up tong/spinning chain. Two crew and a driller.
- Uninterrupted tripping out of 5in pipe, in 40-45stands range per hr (kelly racked back, free spinning blocks, semi-automatic weight set manually slips, break out tong, slight tension held on stand and pipe rotated out with rotary table) Two crew and a driller. 

Maybe we are wrong, but as on bottom drilling has progressed by a factor or 3-5 or more during the last three decades. Tripping and tubular handling has regressed based on physical evidence that exists. Is there evident improvement in 5th 6th and 7th generation, higher tech rigs?    

If not or evidently yes, please afford us your physical tripping evidence.

Area of interest are conventional hoisting system vs hydraulic/ram rigs tripping capabilities etc to conclude where todays drilling time / money is most lost/wasted.

It would be great to share and gather some physical facts and figures from within this SPREAD community to 'SEE' exactly where we are currently at w.r.t tripping pipe in/out of wellbores when no constraints on safety effectiveness and efficient are presented or imposed. 

Further value adding comment on this, i.e. todays pipe handling? All welcomed.


7 Answer(s)

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Posted by

Peter Aird

Peter Aird

Drilling Specialist/Well Engineer/Training Consultant

Kingdom Drilling

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