
Is it necessary to run USIT with pressure applied to the casing/liner

04 February 2022

Dear members

At a recent Well-Specific Risk Assessment that we facilitated online, one of the topics was the cement bond in the 7" liner x 8-½" annulus.

After the liner cement job, WBCO will be run and the drilling mud displaced to a (lighter) completion brine.

The Service Partner WL rep advised that there will be no need to apply pressure to the casing/liner whilst running the USIT.

This led to a discussion about detecting and/or zonal isolation being affected by a potential micro-annulus.

I've always wondered about this.  The zones that we'll be logging will be below the production packer and, as such, during production phase (longer-term this will be a gas storage well) they will be exposed to the drawdown applied on the well.


  1. If the well does have a potential micro-annulus, wouldn't in be useful to know that, something which applying pressure would simply mask. (I guess that running a pass without pressure might pick that up?)
  2. What is member's experience with running USIT and is there a need to log with pressure applied or not?

Thanks and kind regards



11 Answer(s)

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