
Shearing drill pipe (Koomey unit connected to two BOPs; one active and one being tested offline)

07 August 2022


(I have just joined this Forum)

I would like some feed back on the following,please.

One of the rigs had an incident of string parting and dropping in hole. 

The toolpusher carried out the Rig Manager's order to close the blind shear rams whilst string was in hole. The Rig Manager gave the order meaning to close the blind rams of an offline BOP that was being being tested, but both BOPS were connected to the same Koomey unit.

The toolpusher confused the valves and closed the  shear rams of the live (online) BOP. The levers do not have clear signs of each valve.

My questions are:

  1. Is it allowed to connect two BOPs to same Koomey unit when one is operational and live and the other is offline?
  2. Does that contradict any standards, practices ,, etc and if yes what is the reference please?

I am looking forward to a response from this esteemed group.

Best wishes


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