
Ballooning 101

20 November 2024

Ballooning 101. Do I have it correct when explaining in layman terms to Drillers and Juniors ?

Ballooning is caused by excessive ECD which will cause micro fisures/fractures or depleted zones to start to take volume when pumps are on and give the volume back when pumps have stopped. The increased APL due to dynamic pressures of Circulating is an increase of ECD which will have formations (breathe in).

Following good Drilling practices of “Finger printing” our connections and updating our Drilling trend sheets will tell us when / if hole problems start and be valuable information to capture/share, regardless of which EDR we use. Finger printing, record or note PVT with pumps on. Make your connection and record/note your PVT increase over the connection. Restart pumps noting how many strokes you pump until you obtain circulation. Increased flowback on connections ( formation breathing out ) and higher than normal losses while drilling/pumping ( breathing in ) are a clear indicator of depleted or ballooning formations.

DO NOT assume it is Ballooning, inform your supervisor immediately as it should be treated like a kick until it is properly diagnosed/identified. You should also be weary of differential sticking ehen you encounter these symptoms. While “breathing out” the formation can also give some formation fluids.

Is there more I should add to my discussions. Or should I keep it more simple ?


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