These discussions still need answers. If you know, kindly respond. It may become useful again to someone in need!


All Discussions
Running sand screens Mike Swankie Completion 11 May 2021 0
Expert Training Support Offer : How the Latest ERD Innovations Can Benefit Your Deviated Wells Pam Conway General discussions 11 May 2021 0
321 Workshops, 14000 delegates, 178 wells teams .. and counting .. Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator RP-squared announcements 27 July 2021 0
Adding a Secondary Email to your SPREAD profile Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator SPREAD Updates (Hints and tips) 11 May 2021 0
Expert Training Support Offer : How the Latest ERD Innovations Can Benefit Your Deviated Wells Iain Hutchison Drilling Operations 11 May 2021 0
Seasons Greetings Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator RP-squared announcements 11 May 2021 0
SPREAD Upgrades Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator SPREAD Updates (Hints and tips) 11 May 2021 0
New Technology for Slot Recovery Asim Pervaiz New Technologies 11 May 2021 0
Susbsea BOP & christmas tree Himanshu Patel Completion 11 May 2021 0
Efficiency of Downhole Barriers in completions & workovers Scott Simpson Novice's questions 11 May 2021 0
Wells Performance Management System Elisa Urbinati Performance 11 May 2021 0
API HF1 use and interpretation Neil Wood Cementing 11 May 2021 0
Experience with CTEMP from Pegasus Vertex? Yunchuan (Larry) Zhao HTHP 11 May 2021 0
We're looking for someone to help us with a Performance Study Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator BLOG : Relentless Pursuit of Perfection 11 May 2021 0
rp-squared returns to Papua New Guinea, also completes series of Deepwater DWOPs Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator BLOG : Relentless Pursuit of Perfection 11 May 2021 0
Well Control Equipment & Practices for infrequent wireline / slickline activities Dave Whitby Well Control 11 May 2021 0
Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Ltd launches Full Recruitment Service Scott Carr Recruitment 11 May 2021 0
Oil or Synthetic based Mud coating thickness on pipes Peter Nellessen Coal-Bed-Methane / Coal-Seam-Gas 11 May 2021 0
Anyone used Geomagnetic Reference Referencing yet? Reviews Amrit Kumar Directional Surveying 11 May 2021 0
Omni Roller Reamers Ron Hartzler Drill String Design 11 May 2021 0