
Spray-on/Bonded Centralisers

22 June 2016 HI folks

In many Deepwater wells there are tight tolerances due to the large number of strings to be run.

Open-hole sections are frequently under-reamed to improve annular space (lower ECD, better cement bond etc). However, the casing centralisers must pass through the wellheads and previous casing, which often contain Supplemental Landing Shoulders (for 'No Go' type liner hangers) and this is a cause of concern.

Options include in-line centralisers and bonded ("spray-on") centralisers. We're particularly interested to learn more about bonded centralisers.

Would members please share their experience with these, along the lines of:
  • Have you used them?
  • If so, where did you get them made/added?
  • Was it possible for the bonded centralisers to be added in client's pipe-yard?
  • What went well?
  • What didn't go so well?
  • Any other advice/recommendations?


2 Answer(s)

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