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All Discussions
Experiences cementing through a Pressure Pipe Cutter or Section Mill/Underreamer ? Torodd Solheim General discussions 11 May 2021 0
Urgent need for a petroleum engineering job experience EMENKENG JOYCE NTINWOH Recruitment 11 May 2021 0
API 17D Subsea Wellhead and Tree Specification (1st vs 2nd Edition) Rajiv Tikkoo Subsea Wellhead Systems 11 May 2021 0
Completions operation textbook Lajeesh Vattakandykuniyil Gopalan Completion 11 May 2021 0
geology terms simply explained Peter Aird General discussions 11 May 2021 0
Private Forum (as your internal Discussion Forum) Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator RP-squared announcements 11 May 2021 0
Hole detection of Drilling Pipe with resistance of 40000 ohms Maximo Franco Drilling Operations 11 May 2021 0
Calcium bromide brine Ram HALDAR HTHP 11 May 2021 0
Retrievable packers types Ar Vi Completion 11 May 2021 0
Ergonomics issues during use of drill pipe slips Shahram Vatanparast HSE 27 July 2021 0
IADC Report Filing Rules Rahul Kale General discussions 11 May 2021 0
Question about Casing Magnetic Interference Ali Alien Sidetracking 11 May 2021 0
Drilling waste management software Ben Yanda Waste Management 11 May 2021 0
Best Practice of cementing tie-back casing Suhardy Muhammad Casing & Liners 11 May 2021 0
Comparison of Skidding Systems for Land Rig move over Pad wells Sudish Bhat Rig Move 11 May 2021 0
The S and K Plot Andrzej Smolen General discussions 11 May 2021 0
Qualifying barite plugs as a barrier Valentin Tyulyakov Abandonments (facilities and/or wells) 11 May 2021 0
Use live gas well for gaslift Trung Chu Completion 11 May 2021 0
Primavera / MS Project file for controlling a Drilling Project Omid Eghtesadi General discussions 11 May 2021 0
Looking for Oil Rig workers who come in contact with Calcium Bromide regularly Eric Goff Drilling Fluids 11 May 2021 0