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All Discussions
Project management in complex well's Peter Aird General discussions 11 May 2021 0
More than a million hits, 900 discussions and 1825 members .. HOW YOU CAN HELP Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator RP-squared announcements 11 May 2021 0
Modern rigs; Top drive e-motors Peter Aird Conventional Coring 11 May 2021 0
Subsea Drilling Chokes Paul Potter Underbalanced & Managed Pressure Drilling 11 May 2021 0
Announcing WOCRM Human Factors Training - Aberdeen - May 2016 Fiona Webster BLOG : Relentless Pursuit of Perfection 11 May 2021 0
rp-squared completes back-to-back CWOP and TreeWOP in Egypt - Washup in Aberdeen Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator RP-squared announcements 11 May 2021 0
Difference in Jack-up Class BMC Pacific-375 & PPL Pacific-400 Himanshu Patel General discussions 11 May 2021 0
Tripping Rate Karl Muncila General discussions 11 May 2021 0
bit torque estimation Venkat Chitor General discussions 11 May 2021 0
Estimating bit torque Venkat Chitor Drilling Operations 11 May 2021 0
Drilling through Hydrothermal Dolomites Douglas Muir General discussions 11 May 2021 0
sidetrack best practise, K&E Peter Aird Workover 11 May 2021 0
Downhole chemical injection sub providers Ken Horne. ESPs 11 May 2021 0
GOR and WOR vs Temperature and Pressure Boudewijn Zwager Underbalanced & Managed Pressure Drilling 11 May 2021 0
Stripper BOP for Well Service Sanny Suprihono Well Control 11 May 2021 0
Standards and guidelines for well constrution and operations Peter Aird Due Diligence 11 May 2021 0
Reversible drilling fluids emulsion Mase Yan Drilling Fluids 11 May 2021 0
Performance or loss improvements? Peter Aird Performance 11 May 2021 0
rp-squared facilitates onshore HPHT welltest TWOP at short notice Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator BLOG : Relentless Pursuit of Perfection 11 May 2021 0
Deepwater Drilling Course Peter Aird Training and Competency 11 May 2021 0