Using RSS system in top hole sections on offshore wells

Dear Members

Does anyone have experience of using point the bit RSS system to drill and build angle in 26" hole section? What are the maximum inclinations achieved? I know that several operators used RSS in 26" hole to keep it vertical, but so far I did not find any records of using RSS to build inclination in 26" hole.

Application will be in offshore environment to drill 1000m section and to build maximum inclination to 30deg in one plane. I am thinking of 17 1/2" rock bit/RSS system/26" HO BHA spaced out to give required build rate.

I am quite sure that many of you given it a thought before so any thoughts/ideas/suggestions are, as usual, much appreciated.


4 Answer(s)

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Posted by

Aydin Aghazada

Aydin Aghazada

Chief Drilling Engineer


Discussions: 5

Replies: 8

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