
Liquid Silicon in the Dome of Gaslift Valve

12 January 2012 Dear everyone,

It is straightforward to understand the temperature effect on Nitrogen charged bellows of the gas lift valve (GLV), however recently I realized that there is also presence of certain amount of liquid silicon in the bellows of GLV with the main purpose to suppress the chatter of the GLV stem when it is opening and closing. I did some research on liquid silicon and learned that liquid silicon is quite sensitive to temperature and that means taking only Nitrogen temperature correction factor into gaslift design may be NOT enough. This finding make me surprised when all the gaslift text books I read never discuss about this issue.

I guess (hope) the effect of liquid silicon on the gaslift design is negligible so everybody can ignore it, but I would like to understand this mater clearly. Therefore, it would be highly appreciated if somebody can share your thoughts/ knowledge in this mater.

Thanks and best regards,
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