
Cemented Monobores

03 October 2007 We are working with a client who is planning 5-1/2" cemented
monobore completion for use with gas wells; the completion will be
very simple, a SSSV and tubing hanger.

Does anyone have any best practices they can share with us and/or
know of anyone who does/can ?

The sorts of things we are interested in are :
1. Use of cement wiper plugs
2. Displacement fluid ; we are thinking of brine
3. Cased-hole clean up : is it necessary ?
4. Is the Hold-Open Sleeve run in the SSSV and left in place when
cementing ?
5. How to avoid build-up of cement around the SSSV profiles
6. Length of shoetrack
7. Has anyone had to rotate the string prior to installation of the
8. Has anyone rotated the string after the tubing hanger has been
installed and lowering the final distance drillfloor to wellhead ?
9. What length of rathole have you been leaving ?
10. What fluid have you left in the A annulus ?


Dave Taylor

We will arrange a $100 gift to the best answer, as judged by our
client. .. to the charity of your choice !!
12 Answer(s)

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Posted by

Dave Taylor

Dave Taylor

Managing Director -Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Ltd.

Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection Ltd.

Discussions: 12

Replies: 13

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