
Testing DST string mid-way in the hole

13 March 2014 Hi folks

At a recent TWOP here in Kurdistan, we discussed the current plan to pressure-test the DST tubing (3"" PH-6) when it's half-way in the hole.  The string will have already been tested once the 'BHA' has been made up, so this is an additional test.

When challenged, our Testing Co advised that many companies test every 500m or 1000m run.

The string will be run in a vertical hole in solids-free fluid.

We'd value your opinions and experience on whether it's worth spending the time on a mid-way test.  In particular:
  • What do you and your company do ?
  • Have you had failures when testing PH-6 ? If so, how often/many
  • What precautions do you take to avoid a failed test ?
Thanks and kind regards

8 Answer(s)

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