
Cleaning out seal-bores in cemented liner

19 July 2014 Hi folks,

At a recent CWOP that we facilitated, the topic was SMART wells.

The Oil Producers will use surface-controlled ICVs paired with downhole pressure gauges. The three production zones will be isolated from each other by seal-stacks which will be positioned within seal-bores inside the cemented 26 ppf 7" liner. These seal-bores are integral to the liner and have an ID of 5.800".

Prior to running the completion, a cased-hole clean-out run will be made and then the three zones will be perforated.

The cased-hole clean-out assembly will incorporate a lantern-type (collapsible) scraper from MI-Swaco.

We have been assured that the scraper will remove any cement film inside the liner, especially below the seal-bores where the liner wiper plug may not have quite returned to full OD after passing through the seal-bores.

Do any of our members have first-hand experience of this type of completion and, in particular, what have you seen in your wells in regards to damage to the seal-stacks (or elements) or problems with cement debris below the seal-bores?

If you perforated the wells, did you rerun the scarpers to remove any perforation burrs?

We'd appreciate your input.

Kind regards

1 Answer(s)

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Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator

Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator

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Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection Ltd.

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