
Tubing Design for PCP Wells

13 December 2016 In an onshore field located in the western part of India, around ~100 padded wells are completed with Progressive Cavity Pump (PCP). Due to its inherent nature (TVD ~500m from wellpad), these wells have high inclination and DLS. The rods used are grade 97, 1.125" conventional(special grade).
Can you share with me your experience with the tubing design in PCP wells? The wellbore fluid composition indicates L80 1Cr and size required for production is ~3.5".
Do you go with increased hardness of the tubing as compared with the hardness of the rods? Or, a tubing rotator / lined tubing type accessories are must with rod-lifts? Or an improved manufacturing process is enough to withstand tubing erosion.Do you face problems with EUE connection (tubing backoff)?
Best Regards,

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