
Torque & Un-torque eEline Cable

18 August 2017 Hello folks,

I'm not sure these questions belong to the well services group - apologies in advance.

I would like to ask a few questions and also wanted to share some of my recent exp during my last job.

Plug & Perf Job. ( Sour Well / Depth 3400m )

1) During my last job , the wire break at weak point with no high pulling tension. when the wire retrieve all the outer armors was untangled from weak point to bottom of the flow tube. Does anyone of you can share , how often we need to perform pickup weight and how long does the length require to perform pickup weight? - specifically deal with sour well. Since we were having problem with sour well when we stayed to long inside the well.

- During RIH & POOH from previous run , dragging was so bad (200-300lbs) with tool weight 700lbs at surface.
- The condition of the break wire , outer armor was elongated and not even , some of the wire elongated more that the others. looks like the wire had been stretched and breake one by one untill all the armors break 

Many thanks in advance. ~

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