Lithium Battery for Memory Logging - Safety Requirement Alert
16 April 2019 Recently we found out that Lithium Battery for Memory logging (Pressure survey, MPLT, Memory Caliper, Memory Video Camera, etc...) is required D-class fire extinguisher and NIOSH/MSHA approved respiratory protectional available as well as isolate / monitor it for 5 days in case of mechanical shock.Quote:
"Do not crush, pierce, short circuit (+) and (-) battery terminals with conductive (metal) goods. Do not directly heat or solder. Do not throw into fire. Do not mix batteries of different types and brands. Do not mix new and used batteries. Keep batteries in non-conductive (plastic) trays. Cells or batteries that have been dropped or experience mechanical shock should be isolated and monitored for approximately 5 days to identify a possible internal short circuit and resulting fire. In case of rupture: Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Ensure adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Do not breathe vapors/dust. Wear personal protective equipment."
"None required under normal usage. If exposure limits are exceeded or irritation is experienced, NIOSH/MSHA approved respiratory protection should be worn. Positive-pressure supplied air respirators may be required for high airborne contaminant concentrations. Respiratory protection must be provided in accordance with current local regulations."
End of quote
May some of you are well aware of this issue but some might miss this point.
I believe none of you have ever seen the lithium battery on fire.
6 Answer(s)
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Trung Chu
Chief Petroleum Engineer
Japan Vietnam Petroleum Company
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