Coiled Tubing / Insert Gaslift String
30 May 2019 Dear all,We are having well integrity issue of some wells with only single barrier (A-annulus; B and C communication) so would like to install CT or insert string inside 4-1/2" tubing 12.6# for gaslifting then would like to have your advice / support on the project feasibility, draft cost estimation.
Going through the SPE Paper I found 2:
1. SPE 38536 - Deployment of a coiled tubing gas-lift completion and subsequent recovery of reserves from a marginal BP forties well
2. SPE 50585 - Cost effectiveness and flexibility through the Brent gaslift insert string completion.
General information of our well is as below:
1. 20" x 13-3/8" x 9-5/8" casing
2. Tubing 4-1/2" 12.6# L-80 NV with TRSSV at 275m
3. Deviation about 45 deg at PRD packer.
4. BM reservoir with total lost while drilling with sea water.
5. Sweet fluid, no CO2, no H2S, no debris.
6. Current injection depth of 1800m (should be the max insert string depth as well), 2MMscfpd, 1000blpd.
7. Intend to design with 1 unloading and 1 orifice should be the best.
8. Annular subsurface safety valve is recommended at 250m.
Could you please share your recent project the same and contact point of any company could provide the equipment / installation service?
Your support is highly appreciated.
Best regards,
Note from moderator: It's great to see some of the recent discussions, and the free advice offered by own members, but there is no substitute for hiring (and paying) for experts to give professional advice tailored to your needs.
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Trung Chu
Chief Petroleum Engineer
Japan Vietnam Petroleum Company
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