
Ongoing Well Control Incident : 19May09

19 May 2009 Dear Fellow Members,

Please can someone help.

At the moment we are having a well control situation on our Land rig.

Well Info:
Operations: Workover
13-3/8” Csg Shoe @ 1672 ft
9-5/8” Csg Shoe @ 4617 ft
7” Lnr @ 7013 ft
4-1/2” Lnr @ 7740 ft

Description of Event:
- We had the kick when POOH with 3-1/2” Tbg, then shear the 3-1/2” Tbg.
- Run Schlumberger down-hole camera - observed Leaks @ 222 ft, 300 ft and 340 ft.
- At the moment, we are having the flow outside the Cellar meaning there could be an underground blowout.
Current Operation:
- Attempted to POOH with 3-1/2” Tbg whilst working with BA Set (Presence of H2S) - No success
- Attempted to set DLT Parker - No success
- Decided to pump cement and abandon well - pumped 600 bbls of 15.8 ppg neat cement - Observed Casing pressure to be 100 psi
Your recommendation please?
- Where do we go from here - the flow has channeled outside the well - meaning we cant pump more cement as this would displace the hole volume to surface.

Please I need your recommendation.



Notes from Admin :

Given the severity of the situation in which our colleague finds himself, normal guidelines no longer apply (regards going thru the forum), so you can contact him directly on : .. copied to :

Please copy me on any correspondence and I will update the site accordingly .. but the priority is to HELP this team.

10 Answer(s)

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