OHGP Interval isolation
27 August 2020 Hello all,Would like to get some insight for zonal isolation in OHGP completions.
Planned wells have a long shaly intervals between the pay zone and the casing shoe, ranging from 200 - 500 MD, where zonal isolation might be required.
Packing all the interval would result in additional costs, and possibly risks (partial packing over producing zone, shales and dirt impairing the interest zone, no isolation if required, etc).
Just using blank pipe (shunted) across the shale interval doesn't seem feasible since the shunts wouldn't be activated at the right moment, and we would need to pack up everything.
There are also shunted open hole packers available.
Do any one have experience with such scenario and coud share alternatives, lessons learned, etc?
2 Answer(s)
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Jonathan Byfield
Completion and Well Intervention Engineer
Discussions: 3
Replies: 6
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