
BOP Elastomer Temperature Ratings (API 16A 3rd versus 4th edition)

27 October 2020 Interested to hear how companies are treating the "Continuous Elevated Temperature Limit" versus the "Extreme Temperature Limit" in API 16A 4th edition.

API Spec 16A 4th edition has three temperature ratings for Nonmetallic Sealing Materials; "Low Temperature Limit, Continuous Elevated Temperature Limit, Extreme Temperature Limit".

API Spec 16A 3rd edition had two temperature ratings for Nonmetallic Sealing Materials; "Lower Limit" and "Upper Limit".

The previous "Upper Limit" from 3rd edition and current "Extreme temperature limit" from 4th edition have the same design verification testing (1 hr hold time at design pressure).
In Summary more onerous testing regimes in API STD 16A 4th Edition has reduced the rated working temperature of many ram and annular preventers and I'm interested to know how different companies are deleing with the "reduced" temperature limits (additional "sponsored" testing, living with lower temp limits, adhering to the older standards, looking to ways to cool drilling and completion fluids)?
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