What do we need to know about kick tolerance but were afraid to ask?
30 December 2020 Following on from post comments on Kick tolerance in 2019.Having personally had many combative discussions on this in the past. Namely to assure that we fully comprehended, what we stated in our programs was real, evident where all e.g. variability, ranges, risks and uncertainties, presumptions and assumptions made, were all duly sensitised.
What do you/we want to know about kick tolerance but are afraid to ask?
Please raise your questions within this post.
I have raised this post as my intent is to address all (grey area's) aspects of 'Kick tolerance and MASP' within a Well Control Assurance Program's (W-CAP) specific subject matter session, I am currently working on. Utilising all independent resources, peer reviews and assists accessible.
Final product will be an on line 24/7, 365days 'anytime learning' access session for anyone wishing to to know more about these subject matters, in much more depth and detail required. (Watch this space)
So any key statements you wish to add or gaps to raise regarding current standards, guidelines, knowledge and experience w.r.t KTOL and MASP.
Please feel free to raise these in your responding post.
e.g. 5 further areas I am seeking to explore, expand and clarify are
1. K-tol as a function of time is not often addressed at all.
e.g. in a shallow hazard, depth, situation where high porosity and permeabilities often exist, flow will be dynamic and rapid. I have experienced 65bbls+ on a connection despite the fact we were using the trip tank as a mitigator to assure early detection. How are we accounting for this?
2. MPD in a closed system? where we apparently can measure litres coming into a well. What are we doing, How do we redefine Ktol in these situations, conditions, environments.
3. When we then take out the MPD and trip the well conventionally . How do we re-dress Ktol now. Or in risk and safety terms, is it considered better to remain in MPD mode throughout?
5. In HPHT wells transitions zones (with low permeabilities) where we are often underbalanced without knowing this, how do we address sensitivity of Ktol now.
5. On balance underbalanced drilling, where the well is and can flow. What are the kick tolerance limits, guidelines now.
6. What else SPREAD members?
So anything to add or gaps you see that exist. All comments, discussions, welcomed.
Finally here's wishing all SPREAD members a happy and a far better new year in 2021.
5 Answer(s)
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Posted by

Peter Aird
Drilling Specialist/Well Engineer/Training Consultant
Discussions: 114
Replies: 449
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