Wireline fishing operation with the well still producing
03 January 2021 DearsI am sending you on behalf of a company man the link of a very important question posted in LinkedIn (I couldn't copy past the question wording) https://www.linkedin.com/posts/boussaa-messaoud-92a8877b_question-your-are-a-company-man-what-do-act...
He is asking about the fishing method of some tools and a part of a cut slick line from the well which is already in production without killing the well. You may find our discussion in the comments part of the post in LinkedIn.
Your answers are much appreciated.
Thank you.
SY Berrouigat
Note from moderator (DaveTaylor of rp-squared: I have cut and paste (and tidied up) the original question, as below
"While running in hole to (control top sediment) TD 4000 m with slickline unit, from surface to 600 m the gas well was shut-in. However, at 600m, we opened the well according to instructions received. The hydraulic wing valve quickly opened, creating a ∆p very large ,so the flow pushed back the tool string from 600 m to Surface, the wire gets cut, and the BHA with 600 m wire is lost and drops to the bottom of the hole .
- Could you give us the best procedure to pulling wire+ BHA ?"
4 Answer(s)
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Sidi Yahia Berrouigat
Drilling Coach / Wewll Control Instructor
Discussions: 12
Replies: 16
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